UFC Undisputed 2010 - Xbox 360

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Also for: PS3, PSP
Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Sport: Martial Arts
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Yuke's Soft. Co.: THQ
Publishers: THQ (GB)
Released: 28 May 2010 (GB)
Ratings: BBFC 15
Accessories: Headset
Connectivity: Live Online Enabled


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THQ's latest take on the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) mixed-martial arts gaming franchise follows up 2009's Undisputed, containing a host of upgrades, tweaks and updates to the previous title.

For a start, Kimbo Slice, Yoshihiro Akiyama, Junior dos Santos, Dan Hardy, Denis Kang, Shane Carwin, Clay Guida, Frank Trigg, Caol Uno, Matt Hamill,Jon Jones, Vitor Belfort and Paulo Thiago have been added to the roster of UFC gladiators in the 2010 version. Ross Pearson, Paul Daley, Dan Hardy and Michael Bisping also join the crew.

It's not just fighters that have been added to the newest game from the highly successful gaming stable. Additional fighting styles have also come into the video game version of the high-adrenalin sport. These include Karate, Greco-Roman wrestling and Sambo.

Gamers can play these online in fighting camps against other human opponents. Offline also provides new modes in the form of Title and Defence; Cage is Alive, and Tournament modes. These join the existing but upgraded Classic Fights mode.

Once the gamer is actually fighting with your chosen character (using their special signature moves) they will discover fifteen new submissions, 20 new strikes, and two new additional clinches.

Fascinatingly, in Career mode, the fighters will actually grow older and can (and will) be retired. Before this happens, gamers can benefit from 'Fighter customization'. This provides the capability to select set moves that cross fighting styles. These set moves can be chosen from a huge range of 200 strikes, grapples and other assorted ways to damage your opponent.

And this time lefties haven't been left out - the gamer can also play as a left-hander, or 'SouthPaw'.


UFC Undisputed 2010 - Xbox 360 Artwork

UFC Undisputed 2010 - Xbox 360 Artwork

UFC Undisputed 2010 - Xbox 360 Artwork

UFC Undisputed 2010 - Xbox 360 Artwork