Join the World's Biggest Games Cosplay Crowd

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Join the World's Biggest Games Cosplay Crowd
The Academy Of Interactive Entertainment down in Australia is hoping to crack the world record for 'largest crowd dressed as video game characters' on May 5th.

It's happening in Melbourne at Federation Square, if you're in the hemisphere.

The current record was grabbed by a gathering of 425 cosplayers in Wisconson, USA last year. That's not that many, is it? The Academy Of Interactive Entertainment is clearly aiming to go bigger, with the first 1000 attendees getting a goodie bag.

More details here.
Image credit.


DoctorDee 16 Apr 2012 09:23
I think CosPlay is a good thing and all. But I'm just not sure I think there should actually be a record for the most people doing it simultaneously. It opens the door to countless meritless records, like most people standing one one leg simultaneously. It doesn't require any skill, or feat of endurance. Just a large number of people gathered together doing something. I mean, can't Shanghai just claim to have the world record for most people being Chinese, or Granary Wharf claim the world record for largest collection of pompous w****rs (rhyming slang)?
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