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1. Teenage Zombies, Developer Darren McGrath
B-Movies and Pubescent Angst Collide
2. Halo 2: Colin Riley Technical Artist
To PC or not to PC...
3. Scott Brown, President of NetDevil
Virtual new world order
4. Space Giraffe Creator: Jeff Minter - Part 1
It is sort of the Anti-Tempest
5. Dragon Age II’s Product Manager, Randall Bishop
Sex, PC wars and character classes
6. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light: Producer, Forest Large
Bite-sized Tomb Raiding
7. Halo 3 Hands On And Q&A
Phil Spencer asks: Who doesn't want to Master Chief?
8. Bethesda's Pete Hines
The Fallout of Broken Steel
9. UK Developer Mick Stockton
PDC Darts, Newcastle and Viking Funerals
10. Assassin's Creed Producer: Jade Raymond
It's the Third Crusade...