PS3 Gets Ad Into 360 Product

In-game branding goes potty...

Posted by Staff
Sony must be having a quiet chuckle to itself as its PS3 branding is emblazoned all over the non-PS3 UEFA Champions League 2006-2007. The game features a clear billboard in the background sporting the PS3 logo - on the 360 version as well.

PlayStation 3 is one of the official sponsors for the glamorous European Champions League - a soccer-ball tournament featuring a few teams who were indeed champions in their national competitions last year - but who mostly came in second or even third. Therefore PS3 gets branding rights across all related products.

You might also want to think about the fact that EA signed an agreement with Massive Incorporated last summer. Massive Incorporated being a subsidiary of Microsoft that manages in-game advertising. SPOnG's not saying this Sony ad is a result of that, but some might be tempted to say it serves them bloody well right…

Source: 360 gamer


SCiARA 1 Feb 2007 14:16
Well, as it’s an official representation of the beautiful game then it’s bound to have the current advertisements from the UEFA Championships, whether its 360, PC, or board games!

Irony is that there is no official PS3 release date for this game and its out on the 360 on the 23rd of March....(Unless I’m mistaken)
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